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Sexual Dysfunction


Mikvah & intercourse

01 Oct 2009 Posted by Ditza Katz in Sexual Dysfunction, Women's Health

Observant Jewish women follow the laws of Niddah, a time when she is considered ritually impure and must refrain from any physical contact with her husband, including sexual abstention.The end of Niddah is signified by going to the Mikvah (ritual bath) where she immerses in...

Voiding & sex

02 Aug 2009 Posted by Ditza Katz in Sexual Dysfunction, Women's Health

Many years ago it was believed that voiding (urinating) before and after having intercourse will guard against developing a urinary tract infection (UTI), sending women running in and out of bathrooms at a frantic pace.But was it urine in the system that caused the infection,...

Clitoris & lubrication

25 Mar 2009 Posted by Ditza Katz in Sexual Dysfunction, Women's Health

The clitoris is the female's organ of sexual arousal.  We can only see its tip - glans clitoris - which is situated above the urethral and vaginal openings.  In other words, the clitoris IS NOT inside the vagina, a common misconception.The clitoris is shaped like...

Constipation & sex

19 Jul 2008 Posted by Ditza Katz in Sexual Dysfunction, Women's Health

In basic terms, the vaginal canal runs parallel to the urethra (urine tube) that is above it, and to the anal canal that is below it. In other words, the three tubes run parallel and touch each other, with the vagina being in the middle.If...